Monday, August 2, 2010

We're still here!

I feel badly to have been so bad about updating, but it has been a never-ending cycle of sick in this house. First Lava got sick several weeks ago, followed immediately by Macaroni (6 month old + 103 degree fever = scary!), and now I've been sick for the past several days with a horrible cold. So unpleasant, and it has definitely limited our adventures as of late! Boo!

We did have our first brotherly bath event, as evidenced below, which was definitely worth documenting. :)

Hopefully the sickies will stop with me, and we'll be back to our normal fun times in the very near future!


  1. I'm sorry you guys have been under the weather. I hope you are feeling 100% soon and that everything is out of the house. Summer sicknesses are awful. Love that the boys bathed together. So handsome!

  2. What a cute pic :)
    I'm sorry everyone had a bout of the sickies. Get well soon!!
