Monday, July 5, 2010

Three day weekend!

It is always such a treat when we get a long weekend to spend together as a family. This weekend was especially needed after Spaz had such crazy work hours the past couple weeks. It was so nice to focus on us and not have him worrying about all the work stuff he had to deal with!

We had a fabulous day on Saturday at a local festival. Lava got an "unlimited ride" wristband so he went on everything! His favorite was the "fun slide" know, those super tall slides you sit in a potato sack to ride down. He is too short to go solo, so he sat in Spaz's lap and wanted to go over, and over, and over! It was just too much fun. Another favorite was one of the bounce houses with a slide!

While Lava went from activity to activity, Macaroni napped and snuggled up with me, as per usual.

You can't tell from the photo, but he was wearing the same 4th of July romper that his big brother wore in 2007. So fun to get to re-use these things and see them on Macaroni!

After all the fun and excitement of the rides at the festival, we went back home and got Macaroni to bed. Afterwards, we took Lava to his very first fireworks show (while Grammy & Papa stayed home with Macaroni)! He was a bit apprehensive at first, but soon shouted excitedly and pointed at all the fireworks as they went off. He's been talking about them ever since!

After a mellow Sunday, we decided we needed to figure out a good outlet for Lava to get some energy out that didn't require going out in the 90+ degree heat with little Macaroni. We decided to go to an indoor playground that I had taken Lava to a couple times before. It's a bit of a ride, but Spaz wanted to see what it was all about and Lava just loves it! We spent a good couple hours there Monday afternoon and decided to spring for a 3 month membership so we have a fun place to go during the summer heat.

Lava really enjoyed another opportunity to go down big, fun slides!

Macaroni enjoyed the cool, comfortable air conditioning and playing with his Daddy! All in all an absolutely delightful family weekend!

Thursday, July 1, 2010

Lunch with Grammy and Water playdate fun!

One thing I'm really pleased about since re-dedicating myself to blogging is that I'm taking more pictures! Woohoo! I have a great little point and shoot camera in my purse at all times, yet I so rarely even think to use it. Now that I have this blog going again, it's not far from my mind to photo document what I want to write about!

We've had a nice couple of days! Lava went to camp yesterday and then we went to lunch with my lovely mother! Since I'm making a conscious effort to eat well, one of my meals of choice is a gigantic egg white omelette, so we went to a restaurant I enjoy. Next time I'm totally taking a picture of the omelette, too! It's epic. We also have a rare shot of Macaroni content in his bucket seat while we eat!

Lava has always loved eating with his Grammy. Even now when he can eat totally independently, he still insists on her assistance. He just loves it, and it's super cute.

Today we had such a fun time going to a play date with the local mom's group I'm in. They are such a nice group of ladies with darling kids, and Lava had so much fun playing in the water with them. As per usual, Macaroni was happily snoozing away in the Ergo. It is a perfect set-up for when we go out, so I can't complain. I just never get good pictures of him!

It's been a long couple of weeks at work for Spaz with a new launch that went out today. So glad he's going to be less stressed out now that it's done. Definitely looking forward to our long weekend! I think we might hit up Lamb's Farm like we did last Fourth of July weekend. We might also try to get Lava to his first fireworks!