Monday, August 24, 2009


It's been quite a while since my last update...and honestly not too much to report, other than the fact that I'm now over 21 weeks through this pregnancy. Oh, and it's another BOY!!! ;)

I am struggling with the idea of adjusting to being a mom of two. I'm excited and thrilled, please don't get me wrong, but it's a foreign concept to me at the moment. It's the unknown that makes me uneasy. I'm very much looking forward to meeting this spectacular life that will be joining our family in about 18 weeks (I pray). It's hard to imagine I'll ever love another person as much, or the way I love Lava. I know I will, I know I have the capacity to do so, I just can't fathom how that will feel.

I don't want my relationship with Lava to change, or suffer. I know change will happen (as my child runs in the room in footed pajamas with lime green crocs over them, just to be funny). It's just moments like those that I fear will become less appreciated or noticed. I love every second I spend with him, and soon that will be mostly shared time. I'm afraid he'll feel neglected, or replaced. Thankfully he's a mellow kid who has never really displayed major jealousy with me being around other kids, but this will be a different story.

I'm glad Lava is starting pre-school in a few weeks, I think having a regular source of social interaction and structure will be so good for him. I'm also glad it's happening 3.5 months before the baby comes so he doesn't have a negative association. I can't believe he'll be THREE on Saturday!

Ok, so this was a bit of a ramble-fest, but that's the biggest updates. New baby boy, pre-school, Lava's third birthday on to watch True Blood! :)